Do your life experiences seem to be nothing more than a jumble of threads – tangled, frayed, occasionally knotted, and seemingly random? Are you struggling to figure out your relationships or manage your day-to-day responsibilities?
Every day the tapestry of your life is being woven. Each relationship is a thread, every conversation a stitch, and each mood a color. Your tapestry might seem like a mishmash of interlocking threads and knots, made up of different colors that do not seem to fit with one another. But things are not always what they seem. When you examine a tapestry from both sides, you see the art – the richness of the colors, the texture, and the patterns that make it a thing of astonishing beauty.
Your life story is woven from many threads. These threads vary in color and texture. Some are vibrant, and some are dark. Some are smooth, and others are rough. Together, they create the story of your life. No thread of experience – good or bad – is wasted.